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Sasquatch Foods to Sponsor the 42nd Annual Death Ride July 15
Posted by John Chavez on 6/14/2023 to
To celebrate or official opening for business, Sasquatch Foods, Inc. is proud to support and sponsor the 42nd Annual Death Ride, Tour of the California Alps in Markleeville, Lake Alpine on July 15 2023.
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Welcome to our website and online store
Posted by Alicia Chavez on 5/27/2023 to
Welcome to our online store! We are proud to announce that we're now open for business, and we look forward to serving you all in the near future. If you have any questions about this store or our products, please don't hesitate to contact us any time.
Who we are
Posted by Alicia Chavez on 5/22/2023 to
We were a couple with a simple dream, your standard American dream. Buy a house, raise a family and do good in our community. But once most of those dreams are accomplished, then what?